Optimization ============ .. py:module:: fanstatic There are various optimizations for resource inclusion that Fanstatic supports. Because some optimizations can make debugging more difficult, the optimizations are disabled by default. We will summarize the optimization features that Fanstatic offers here. See the :doc:`configuration section` and the :doc:`API documentation ` for more details. * minified resources. Resources can specify minified versions using the mode system. You can then configure Fanstatic to preferentially serve resources in a certain mode, such as ``minified``. * rolling up of resources. Resource libraries can specify rollup resources that combine multiple resources into one. This reduces the amount of server requests to be made by the web browser, and can help with caching. This can be controlled with the ``rollup`` configuration parameter. * bundling of resources. Resource bundles combine multiple resources into one. This reduces the amount of server requests to be made by the web browser, and help with caching. This can be controlled with the ``bundle`` configuration parameter. * infinite caching. Fanstatic can serve resources declaring that they should be cached forever by the web browser (or proxy cache), reducing the amount of hits on the server. Fanstatic makes this safe even when you upgrade or modify resources by its versioning technology. This can be controlled with the ``versioning`` and ``recompute_hashes`` configuration parameters. * Javascript inclusions at the bottom of the web page. This can speed up the time web pages render, as the browser can start displaying the web page before all Javascript resources are loaded. This can be controlled using the ``bottom`` and ``force_bottom`` configuration parameters. To find out more about these and other optimizations, please read this `best practices article`_ that describes some common optimizations to speed up page load times. .. _`best practices article`: http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html