Compilers and Minifiers ======================= .. py:module:: fanstatic Fanstatic supports running external programs to create transformations of resource files. There are two use cases for this: The first use case is compiling files written in languages like CoffeeScript or SASS into JavaScript and CSS, respectively. The second use case is automatically generating minified versions of JS and CSS files. We call programs for the first case `compilers` and those for the second case `minifiers`, and use `compiling` as the encompassing term. Running compilers ----------------- There are two ways of running compilers, one is manually via the command-line program ``fanstatic-compile``. The other way is on-the-fly when processing a request: When the `compile` option is set to True (see :doc:`configuration`), Fanstatic will check on each request whether the source file is older than the compiled file, and invoke the compiler if needed. :: Usage: fanstatic-compile Compiles and minifies all Resources declared in the given package. Fanstatic also provides a hook into ``setuptools`` to run compilers during sdist creation, so you can package and deploy the compiled resources and don't need any of the compilers in the production environment. To use this, add the following to the ``setup()`` call in your package's ````:: setup( ... cmdclass={'sdist': fanstatic.sdist_compile}, ... ) Then, run ``python sdist`` as usual to create your sdist. Note: If you are using version control plugins (e.g. ``setuptools_hg``) to collect the files to include in your sdist, and do not check in the compiled/minified files, they will not be included in the sdist. In that case, you will need to create a ```` file to pick them up, for example:: recursive-include src *.css *.js Configuring compilers --------------------- Compilers work by creating the resource file from a source file. For example, the CoffeeScript compiler creates ``foo.js`` from ````. This is configured like so:: from fanstatic import Library, Resource js_library = Library('js', 'js_resources') a = Resource(js_library, 'a.js', compiler='coffee', source='') When compilation is run and ``a.js`` is not present, or older than ````, Fanstatic will run the CoffeeScript compiler on ```` to produce ``a.js``. Compilers can have knowledge what the source files are typically named, so usually you don't have to specify that explicitly on each Resource (if you do specify a ``source`` that of course is used, overriding what the Compiler thought). You can also configure compilers on the level of the Library, so they apply to all Resources with a given extension:: from fanstatic import Library, Resource coffee_library = Library('coffee', 'coffee_resources', compilers={'.js': 'coffee'}) a = Resource(coffee_library, 'b.js') b = Resource(coffee_library, 'plain.js', compiler=None) Note that individual Resources can override the compiler set on the Library. Configuring minifiers --------------------- Minifiers work by creating a minified version of the resource file. For example, jsmin creates ``foo.min.js`` from ``foo.js``. This is configured like so:: from fanstatic import Library, Resource js_library = Library('js', 'js_resources') a = Resource(js_library, 'a.js', minified='a.min.js', minifier='jsmin') Minifiers can have a built-in rule what the target filename looks like, so usually you don't have to explicitly specify ``minified=``. You can also configure minifiers on the level of the Library, so they apply to all Resources with a given extension:: from fanstatic import Library, Resource js_library = Library('js', 'js_resources', minifiers={'.js': 'jsmin'}) a = Resource(js_library, 'a.js') b = Resource(js_library, 'tricky.js', minifier=None, minified='tricky.min.js') Note that individual Resources can override the minifier set on the Library. Pre-packaged compilers ---------------------- Fanstatic includes the following compilers: :coffee: `CoffeeScript`_, a little language that compiles to JavaScript, requires the ``coffee`` binary (``npm install -g coffeescript``) :less: `LESS`_, the dynamic stylesheet language, requires the ``lessc`` binary (``npm install -g less``) :sass: `SASS`_, Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, requires the ``sass`` binary (``gem install sass``) .. _`CoffeeScript`: .. _`LESS`: .. _`SASS`: Fanstatic includes the following minifiers: :cssmin: `cssmin `_, A Python port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm, requires the ``cssmin`` package. Use the extras requirement ``fanstatic[cssmin]`` to install this dependency. :jsmin: `jsmin `_, A Python port of Douglas Crockford's ``jsmin``, requires the ``jsmin`` package. Use the extras requirement ``fanstatic[jsmin]`` to install this dependency. :closure: `closure `_, A Python wrapper around the `Google Closure Compiler`_. Use the extras requirement ``fanstatic[closure]`` to install this dependency. .. _`Google Closure Compiler`: Hiding source files ------------------- You can prevent the Fanstatic publisher from serving the source files in by using the :doc:`ignores ` configuration option. Writing compilers ----------------- A compiler is a class that conforms to the following interface: .. autoclass:: fanstatic.compiler.Compiler :special-members: :members: Fanstatic provides generic base classes for both compilers and minifiers, as well as helper classes for compilers that run external commands or depend on other Python packages (:py:class:`fanstatic.compiler.CommandlineBase`, :py:class:`fanstatic.compiler.PythonPackageBase`). To make a compiler or minifier known to Fanstatic, it needs to be declared as an `entry point` in its packages' ````:: entry_points={ 'fanstatic.compilers': [ 'coffee = fanstatic.compiler:COFFEE_COMPILER', ], 'fanstatic.minifiers': [ 'jsmin = fanstatic.compiler:JSMIN_MINIFIER', ], },