Developing Fanstatic ==================== You want to contribute to Fanstatic? Great! Please talk to us our on our :ref:`mailing list ` about your plans! Sources ------- Fanstatic's source code is maintained on GitHub: You can check out fanstatic using `Git`_. .. _`Git`: Feel free to fork Fanstatic on Github if you want to hack on it, and send us a pull request when you want us to merge your improvements. Development install of Fanstatic -------------------------------- Fanstatic requires Python 2.7. We believe that the Fanstatic development installation is a good example of how to install a lot of useful tools into a project's sandbox automatically; read on. To install Fanstatic for development, first check it out, run buildout bootstrap from a virtualenv, and run buildout:: $ bin/buildout This uses Buildout_. The buildout process will download and install all dependencies for Fanstatic, including development tools. Don't worry, that's all you need to know about buildout to get going -- you only need to run ``bin/buildout`` again if something changes in Fanstatic's ``buildout.cfg`` or ````. The ``-d`` option is to instruct buildout to use Distribute_ instead of Setuptools_ and is optional. .. _Buildout: .. _Distribute: .. _Setuptools: Tests ----- To run the tests:: $ bin/py.test This uses `py.test`_. We love tests, so please write some if you want to contribute. There are many examples of tests in the ``test_*.py`` modules. .. _`py.test`: Test coverage ------------- To get a test coverage report:: $ bin/py.test --cov fanstatic To get a report with more details:: bin/py.test --cov-report html --cov fanstatic The results will be stored in a subdirectory ``htmlcov``. You can point a web browser to its ``index.html`` to get a detailed coverage report. pyflakes -------- To run pyflakes_, you can type:: $ bin/pyflakes fanstatic .. _pyflakes: Building the documentation -------------------------- To build the documentation using Sphinx_:: $ bin/sphinxbuilder .. _Sphinx: If you use this command, all the dependencies will have been set up for Sphinx so that the API documentation can be automatically extracted from the Fanstatic source code. The docs source is in ``doc``, the built documentation will be available in ``doc/_build/html``. Python with Fanstatic on the sys.path ------------------------------------- It's often useful to have a project and its dependencies available for import on a Python prompt for experimentation:: $ bin/devpython You can now import fanstatic:: >>> import fanstatic You can also run your own scripts with this custom interpreter if you like:: $ bin/devpython This can be useful for quick experimentation. When you want to use Fanstatic in your own projects you would normally include it in your project's ```` dependencies instead. Releases -------- The buildout also installs `zest.releaser`_ which can be used to make automatic releases to PyPI (using ``bin/fullrelease``). .. _`zest.releaser`: Pre-packaged libraries ---------------------- If you want to make an existing JS library into a fanstatic package, use the fanstatic paster template from the ``fanstatictemplate`` package. The pre-packaged libraries live in the account. In order to add a new library, ask one of the fanstatic administrators to create a repository for you. In the new repository, run ``fanstatictemplate`` and push your changes. Register the newly created package on PyPI and add the fanstatic administrators (currently `faassen`, `jw` and `janjaapdriessen`) as owners. After that, add your library to the list of :ref:`packaged_libs`.